Research Projects
Ongoing Research Projects on Willey Genealogical Puzzles and Problems
The Mystery of Watay Mariah Willey
The unique name of "Watay" offers clues to her identity. Family tradition states we have Native American blood in our lineage. Is she the link?
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Is there a Scottish Connection in the Early- American Willey Family?
Family tradition states there is a little Scottish blood in the lineage of Isaac Willey. A possible Scottish heritage is hypothesized and explored.
Willey headstones in Osborne Cemetery Photo by Will Motsinger on 1 Aug 2017
Who are the Willeys buried in the Osborne Family Cemetery outside Warren, Ohio?
Several Willey gravestones are present in the Osborne Cemetery, but not all the names are accounted for in Willey family genealogies.
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From where in England did Isaac Willey migrate?
The Puritan exodus from England under the leadership of John Winthrop, Sr. in the 1600s was unique. Is there a connection between Isaac Willey and John Winthrop?
September 17, 1630: Boston, Massachusetts finally founded
The Willey family in the founding of Boston
Research on the footprint of Isaac Willey during the initial founding of the Puritan colony of Boston in the 1640s.
Pin en AWI 1775-1783
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Barzillai Willey in the Battles of Saratoga
Barzillia Willey responded to the call for soldiers to counter the British invasion from Canada. Research reveals the performance of his military unit in the Battles of Saratoga.
Roxbury During the Siege of Boston
Map from
Captain John Willey and Private Barzillia Willey during the Battle of Bunker Hill 1775
Both John and Barzillai Willey responded to Massachusett's plea for more troops to contain the British to the Boston peninsula. The Battle of Bunker Hill was the result.
To be added
A description of the research project will be added here.
Contact Dr. Jeffrey Willey at to get more information on the project