
Utilizing the Collaborative Genealogical Software of the LDS

An Invitation

There are dozens of genealogical programs and software available to genealogists these days. Of the FREE software, it is my opinion that the FamilySearch program of the Church of the Latter Day Saints (LDS) is the most powerful, versatile, and user-friendly. To aid in the documentation of the descendants of Isaac Willey, I want to invite you to add your research and documentation to the family tree already begun by myself and others. Use the Identification numbers (ID) below to tap into the Willey Family Tree that originates from Isaac Willey of Boston.

Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Lee Willey

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There are multiple family trees in Familysearch that use Isaac Willey as the first ancestor. Use either of the ID numbers to the right to tie into our Willey Genealogy family tree. Add your documented information as part of a collaborative effort.

Identification Numbers

Isaac Willey


Dr. Jeffrey Willey


Contact Dr. Jeffrey Willey ( to get more information on the project